Seasonal changes can impact your mental health and rock you out of balance. Less daylight, cold weather, and stress are just a few of the things that can affect your mental health and motivation, or lack thereof. 

Eating well, getting ample sleep, and regular exercise are just some of the ways to take care of your physical and mental health this season. In this guide, you will find some wellness helpful tips for adjusting to the changes and relaxing into fall with ease and balance.

BalancE Your Moods

With fewer daylight hours and the temperature dropping, it can be a challenge to get outside in the sunlight and help our bodies naturally regulate our circadian clock. A lack of natural light can deplete your vitamin D store which can also lead to lower energy and cause our serotonin levels (a brain chemical that helps us regulate our mood) to drop as well. These seasonal changes can mess with our sleep, appetite, and mental health.


      • Get plenty of sleep each night
      • Take Pure Sleep to help regulate your sleep cycle
      • Maintain a regular sleep and wake schedule
      • Get out into the sunlight
      • Move your body every day
      • Make healthy food choices
      • Supplement Vitamin D

Eat Right for Your Mental Health

Like any other organ in your body, your brain is affected by the foods you consume. It constantly needs fuel, but the fuel you choose to consume impacts your mental wellbeing. Heavy meals can weigh you down and make it harder to focus, manage stress and maintain a balanced mood. Although you may crave more carbohydrates, make sure to incorporate plenty of whole foods into your diet to keep you feeling full and give you plenty of energy. 

Sugar is also something you want to minimize, and that can be hard if you are feeling low. Sugar activates the reward center in the brain and can make us impulsive and easily overindulge. The problem is that excess sugar impairs both our cognitive skills, makes us want to eat more, and causes our mood to crash.


        • Eat nutrient-rich foods
        • Raw natural whole foods
        • Less caffeine
        • Drink tea throughout the day
        • Satisfy your sweet tooth with natural foods like fruits.
        • Seasonal produce
        • Stay hydrated
        • Up your Vitamins C intake

Mindful Self Care Practices

With fall comes the holiday season, and as it can be a wonderful time for some, for others grieving the loss of a loved one, it may be a sad and empty time. Many people are trying to grapple with the overwhelming challenges brought on during this time. It’s important to prioritize your mental health and take time to relax, incorporate mindfulness practices and ask for help when you are in need. If you or a loved one could use extra care and mental health support here are some mindfulness practices to help.


        • Self-help books
        • Mindful breathing practices
        • Meditation for stress relief
        • Take CBD to support your wellness
        • Daily exercise and movement – walks, stretches, climbing stairs
        • Incorporate what you love about the season into your life
        • Talk with a trusted person, friend, or therapist
        • Intentional activities for boosting energy
        • Get plenty of sleep each night