Looking for more ways you can use CBD oil tinctures? There are many ways you can utilize your CBD oil for wellness and skincare. Here are some ideas for how you can put your Pure Balance CBD oil tincture to work.

Whether you are an everyday CBD user or you take CBD from time to time when you want some wellness support, here are several benefits you can enjoy.

What You Can Use CBD Oil For:

  • Soreness
  • Sleep
  • Recovery
  • Fatigue
  • Cramps
  • Mood
  • Stress
  • Skincare
  • Wellness Support

If you have a CBD oil tincture sitting around, here are some ways you can utilize the benefits of hemp to support your wellness.

Hemp tincture banners

1. Use Pure Balance morning and night when you have sore, achy muscles.

For those times where you have overworked yourself, and your body feels tight and achy, cannabinoids can help. If you have tweaked something and need some comfort care, have a serving of Pure Balance during the day when you are active and before bed to help you sleep soundly. 


2. Add your CBD oil to your coffee, smoothie, dips, or salad dressings.

Taking CBD oil under your tongue is a fast way to absorb the goodness of hemp cannabinoids for wellness benefits; however, there are many other ways you can ingest your CBD oil. These methods are nice if you would rather not taste the hemp extract. Mix into coffee or any beverage. Drizzle on your food or take with a spoonful of honey.


3. For stress support and a calm mind, take a half serving two times a day.

If you are undergoing lots of stress and feeling overwhelmed, break out your CBD and take small servings throughout the day. Micro dosing throughout the day can help sustain a calm mind and relieve feelings of restlessness and stress.


4. Apply Pure Balance CBD oil to your skin.

Your skin will love the soothing, calming support of cannabinoids. Rub a few drops of CBD oil on your face for puffy skin, dry patches, or helping troubled areas. You can blend CBD into your skincare routine by mixing it into your face creams or use it on the spot of troubled areas.

Full Spectrum CBD Pure Hemp