I have found that a nighttime routine has made my days more productive and altogether much better. How do you prepare yourself for a better tomorrow?

If you want to feel sharp, more efficient, and prepared to conquer the day with more energy, cultivate a nighttime routine.

Starting the day slowly is essential to me; however, it doesn’t start there. I prepare the night before to have the best morning and most successful day possible. Organization and preparation is the most effective way to reduce day to day stress.

A simple nighttime routine works best! It will be easy to stick with and is designed to take you from overwhelmed & exhausted to energized & organized.

Nighttime routine

1. Tidy Up

Before you check out for some you time, leave a clean slate for yourself to wake up to. Clear the kitchen sink and straighten up your living spaces. Having a home that feels clean when I get up in the morning is SO important. And, I’m guessing it will start your day off on the right foot as well.

2. Think Ahead

Live into the future a little bit and get things ready, like setting the timer on the coffee maker to start up first thing and setting out your clothes or things you will need to take with you on the go.

3. Brain Drain

Get things out of your head and on paper. Take some time to just empty out your brain and write down things that come to mind that you don’t want to forget, such as tasks you need to tackle or someone you have been meaning to contact. This practice will help you sleep so much better too.

4. You Time

Quality you time is the best self care and a relaxing way to enjoy yourself after the long busy days. It could be catching up on a show you love, reading, having a bath, or just making it a point to get in bed earlier than usual.

5. Get Sleep

The most important thing in order to have a great productive day is the quality of sleep you are getting! Don’t burn your candle too long and discount your shut-eye time. Take one serving of Pure Sleep 30 minutes before bed for deep sleep and maintaining a balanced circadian rhythm for good health. Sleep is essential for optimal wellness, so make it the priority.

Less is more, and a simple routine works best! Your nighttime routine should be something you look forward to rather than something that overwhelms you.

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