Broad Spectrum CBD can support your well-being in many ways, physically and mentally. Pure Hemp Botanicals cannabinoid extracts are made from hemp, and our broad spectrum CBD oil is a popular option for those who want diminshed amounts of THC.

Broad Spectrum oil is non-psychoactive and full of cannabinoids and plant compounds that provide many potential health benefits. Broad spectrum means the THC has been filtered out to a non-detectable level. It still offers a wide range of benefits from all the plant compounds, but it eliminates the minor amounts of THC, so there is no potential for psychoactive effects.

Why Choose Broad Spectrum?

  • Only trace amounts of THC
  • No psychotropic effects
  • Great for daytime use and generally does not make you feel drowsy
  • You can take a lot of it without any concern of THC effects
  • Great for daily care
  • It contains terpenes and other beneficial plant compounds
  • It contains numerous cannabinoids for optimal results

Pure Balance formulas contain a wide array of beneficial hemp compounds for well-rounded benefits. Our Broad Spectrum tinctures are versatile and suitable for many lifestyles.

You can use Broad Spectrum CBD oil daily for mood support, stress relief, muscles and joint care, skincare, and more.

Broad Spectrum vs. Full Spectrum vs. Isolate


  • Extracted from hemp flowers and leaves
  • It contains a wide array of naturally occurring cannabinoids without the THC
  • THC is filtered out to diminished levels
  • It contains terpenes and other plant compounds

What’s great about broad spectrum is you can take it in high doses for maximum support without any concern about the THC that is in our Full Spectrum products. 


  • Extracted from hemp flowers and leaves
  • Includes the full array of cannabinoids in the hemp plant
  • It contains up to 0.3% THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid
  • It contains terpenes and other plant compounds

Full spectrum has many benefits, but because it contains some THC, it’s not for everyone. It has the potential to produce psychoactive effects for sensitive individuals, especially if taken in high doses.


  • Extracted from hemp flowers and leaves
  • Filtered and highly purified, so just CBD remains
  • No THC or any other cannabinoid
  • It does not contain terpenes and other plant compounds

Compared to an Isolate formula, Broad Spectrum has far more reach and wellness benefits due to to the other whole plant compounds. Other cannabinoids such as CBG, CBC, CBN, terpenes, and flavanoids all play a role in helping improve your wellness.

How to use Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

Pure Balance Broad Spectrum oil helps balance and support your body where it needs it most. The profile of cannabinoids and terpenes is soothing for the mind and body, without any psychotropic effects.

You can take Pure Balance tincture any time of day for general wellness support. It can be taken under the tongue for quick absorption, or you can add it to food or drinks.

Pure Balance CBD oil tastes earthy because it has no flavor additives. Because of this you can also use it on your skin.

Applying CBD oil topically can help soothe minor discomforts and rejuvenate dry, irritated skin.

Put your Broad Spectrum CBD tincture to use for

  • Stress support
  • Mood balance
  • Soothe the body
  • Help with aches and tension
  • Morning wellness routine
  • Relaxation
  • Topically to rejuvenate stressed skin
Using CBD Oil On Your Skin
Taking CBD Daily