Hemp-based cannabinoids CBGa and CBDa are two of the lesser talked about cannabinoids up until recently. New research has emerged from Oregon State University putting these cannabinoids in the public eye.

The potential of these mighty hemp compounds is exciting. But, what are these cannabinoid compounds, and what do we know about them?


What is CBGa?

Cannabigerolic acid (CBGa) is referred to as the “Mother of all Cannabinoids” because it is the precursor to the other well-known cannabinoids, including CBD, CBDa, THC, CBG, and so on. All cannabinoids start as CBGa. You can think of the phytocannabinoid CBGa as the gateway to all other cannabinoids.


What is CBDa?

Cannabidiolic acid (CBDa) is a raw phytocannabinoid that comes from CBGa and turns into CBD when decarboxylated; a heating process that eliminates carboxylic acid from an organic compound.

Where Do CBGa and CBDa Come From?

Fresh hemp plants have higher concentrations of cannabinoid acids and lower amounts of cannabinoids like CBD. This means when hemp is alive or in its raw form, it is abundant in CBGa and CBDa, and these raw molecules convert to CBD or CBG, THC, and when heated.

You can get CBGa and CBDa from raw hemp that has not gone through a decarboxylation process.

The History of CBDa

In 1955 the cannabidiolic acid, or CBDA, was identified and isolated. This is the earliest cannabinoid discovered in the cannabis and hemp plant family that we know of. Research is ongoing, and we are excited about the potential undiscovered benefits to humans. There is much more to be discovered!

How to Consume CBDa

To maintain the integrity of the cannabinoid acids for consumption, you can make hemp tea by steeping the raw hemp in warm to hot water, but preferably not boiling.

To maximize the CBDa content, the temperature of the water should stay below 200°F – Just under the boiling point, which is 212° F. You can steep the hemp for up to an hour and enjoy it for consumption.

Pure Hemp Botanicals raw hemp teas are a great way to ingest CBDa. Hemptealicious flavored teas contain at least 30% hemp flower and leaves, which provide multiple cannabinoids when prepared, including CBDa. For an even higher punch of CBDa, try out Pure Hemp variety, made with 100% hemp flower and leaves!

hemp tea

Hemptealicious teas are crafted with organically-grown hemp leaves and other organic herbs, combined for flavor and vibrant living. Our pure hemp teas contain a wide array of naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes.

Aside from enjoying a cup of hemp tea, eating hemp material is another way to keep the acid group intact. In fact some people juice raw hemp leaves to ingest these cannabinoids. You can also eat raw hemp material and mix the leafy greens into salads for their benefit.