“The first wealth is health.” Ralph Waldo Emerson was clear about his values; his adage applies to us all. Health can’t be bought. Therefore, it’s up to us to make it a priority. Your own good health makes a difference in everything you do – it enables you to be and do your best. It’s also a gift to those you love and to the world, so make health #1 this year!

We all know the importance of adequate sleep, exercise, staying hydrated and managing stress. Nutrition is at the heart of good health. It’s often said, “You are what you eat.” Pay special attention to diet, and stay abreast of current, ever-evolving research about nutrition.

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For example, “healthy fats” have been in the news of late. We now know that fats are not all created equal, nor are they all to be avoided. Much attention has been given to the differences in how fats are metabolized, stored and utilized in the body. Healthy fats are actually good for our hearts and brains. Nutritionists have steered us away from margarines and other products that contain hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated fats and oils. We’re now encouraged to eat foods that contain healthy fats such as avocados, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and salmon. Eggs are no longer considered foods to be avoided and have even been referred to as a “perfect protein.”

Sugar, rather than fat, is now implicated in heart disease. A major study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, established that a diet heavy in sugar increases the risk of dying from heart disease, even for those who are not overweight. Sugar also contributes to inflammation in the body, which is associated with many disease processes.

Vegetables, fruits, seeds and certain grains can provide a foundation for a healthy diet. Hemp is an excellent addition to the diet – it’s a great source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids (healthy fat), fiber, vitamins and minerals. The US Department of Agriculture has put together, Choose My Plate, a website designed to help develop a healthy diet. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020, also compiled by the US government, takes an in-depth look at nutrition, its relationship to wellness and disease, and costs of diet-related illness. It further explores various diets of Americans including vegetarian and Mediterranean choices.

In addition to the good health of our customers, Pure Hemp Botanicals is committed to the health of our planet and all its inhabitants. We are dependent on the health of the Earth for our own wellbeing and sustenance. We simply cannot buy more clean air, fresh water and contaminate-free soil. Thus, we encourage you to incorporate practices into your own health routine and lifestyle that benefit the planet – they will benefit you and your loved ones as well.

Eat organic foods whenever possible or grow your own. Purchase locally sourced foods, water and products – less transportation means less fuel and pollution. Never pour chemicals or medications down the drain; find appropriate recycling and disposal solutions in your community. Avoid purchasing plastics to reduce the demand for fossil fuels and the associated damage to the environment. Recycle and compost to minimize the need for additional landfill space. Use non-toxic, natural cleaners, which can be found at health food stores, or use basics that you likely already have on hand such as vinegar and baking soda.

Pure Hemp Botanicals wishes you a healthy and fulfilling 2017. But don’t leave it to chance. Make health #1 this year![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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