by Sean Kelley | Curated, Healthy Lifestyle, Vapes, Video
As some of you may know from talking with me on social media, I’ve been attempting to sell my house since April and it’s been the craziest ride I’ve ever been on. I’m talking a rollercoaster where 90% of it you’re either upside-down or... by Sean Kelley | Curated, Recipe
This week’s amazing recipe comes from Veggies don’t bite and can be found at This dip is SO delicious. You’ll blow your friends and family away I promise! Whether you’re... by Sean Kelley | Uncategorized
It’s no secret that some of us are more comfortable with our dogs than with people. Dogs are the best company. They never ask for anything (apart from some snacks), and offer all their love all the time with genuine enthusiasm. What can we give them, that they...