Going Green: Cutting out Plastic Straws.

Going Green: Cutting out Plastic Straws.

Each year 8 million metric tons of plastic are added to the already estimated 150 million metric tons that are currently in the ocean. I’m sure you’ve seen the videos; you’ve probably started cutting the turtle catching circles in all of your plastic six-pack holders....

Urban Gardening Tips

The benefits to growing your own fruit and vegetables are honestly endless. There’s obviously some really positive environmental benefits that we at PHB are all for but that aside it’s so much healthier FOR YOU! You know exactly what’s going into...

What Is Functional Medicine?

In recent time the term “functional medicine” has become more and more popular as people start to dig deeper into their own personal health. Some supporters such as Dr. Oz, Dr. Frank Lipman, and Dr. Mark Hyman have helped it gain momentum. To learn more I...
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