A couple of weeks ago we were talking during one of our marketing meetings and somehow we got on the subject of Jello. From then on I couldn’t get the idea of CBD Jello out of my head! I knew it could easily be made with our Crystal Frost but I know that our tinctures are more on hand and lets face it, Jello is one of those things you suddenly crave and need to make quickly! I tested multiple recipes with different amounts of added tincture to see what would be too much per Jello bite and keep it from setting correctly and I’m happy to say I learned the secret and now it’s time to pass it on to you! The winning recipe I used to make the Jello can be found on Lovingitvegan.com at https://lovingitvegan.com/vegan-jello/.
I used a silicone mold when I made my Jello but you can easily use small cups or even an ice cube tray. I just wouldn’t advise making them the old fashioned way in a pan because there’s no way to evenly distribute the Pure Hemp Botanicals CBD Tincture throughout so every bite gets the same quantity.
The recipe itself is really simple! You can sub the flavor of juice for ANY flavor and if you need to you’re welcome to add a drop or two of food coloring to make it more vibrant!
1.5 tsp Agar Agar Flakes (if using Agar Agar Powder, use 3/4 tsp)
1 cup (240ml) Red Grape Juice (100% fruit juice)
1 cup (240ml) Water
1/4 cup (50g) Sugar
Your Choice of Pure Hemo Botanicals Tincture
Add the agar agar flakes or powder, water, fruit juice and sugar to a pot on the stove. Bring to the boil stirring regularly. Allow to boil for 2 minutes.
Pour out into mold, cups or ice tray.
Let stand for a few minutes until they have cooled a bit, not until they start setting but you do not want to add your tincture when it’s boiling hot.
The amount that you add to each bite completely depends on how big your molds are BUT for the smaller ice cube tray/cup size do not exceed half of a dropper. If you add a full dropper the Jello does not set. I like adding a few drops to each bite this way to get a full dose you have to eat 5 or 6 of them and it’s more of a dessert than a one and done. **As a side note, if you have our CBD Frost product on hand you can also use it instead and are able to use a full dose for each bite because there is no added oil**
Refrigerate until set completely!
That’s it! They’re so easy to make and an absolutely delicious way to get your CBD in! You can use any of our CBD tinctures, Full Spectrum or Isolated from 300mg to 300omg and anything in between. The sky is the limit!