The endocannabinoid system, sleep, and your health—how are they related?  Your endocannabinoid system —named for the plant that led to its discovery—is one of the most important physiologic systems involved in your sleep and wake cycle and maintaining health and balance in your body’s primary systems.

It turns out, all mammals have a whole network of receptors that are activated by compounds that are very similar to the compounds found in the cannabis/hemp plant. These systems have a powerful influence over our health and how we think and feel throughout the day. One of the main components of the endocannabinoid system is to regulate sleep and maintain homeostasis.

The Primary Function of Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids help regulate primary functions, including memory, sleep, mood, soreness, appetite, and more. The goal of these plant compounds is to maintain homeostasis in your body’s systems by binding to cannabinoid receptors triggering signals that a physiological response is required.

The two most studied cannabinoid receptors are the CB1 receptors, mainly present in the brain cells, spinal cord, and central nervous system, and CB2 receptors abundant in the immune cells and the peripheral nervous system.

When the ECS is not balanced, we can experience low energy, irritability, excessive anxiousness, more aches and tension in our bodies, and an increased vulnerability to illness.

Cannabinoids in hemp such as CBD, CBN, and THC can help promote restful sleep by activating CB1 receptors, which increases a calming effect inducing sleep. Cannabinoids may also increase restful REM sleep – our deep phase of sleep where our body goes into repair and regeneration mode.

The Endocannabinoid System and Sleep

One of the most brilliant features of the endocannabinoid system is its ability to bring balance to our sleep rhythms which supports our mood and general health. When you are getting enough quality sleep, your body can produce what it needs to repair and revive itself.

Cannabinoid supplements have become widely recognized for their ability to positively impact sleep quality and simultaneously improve general wellness, immune system function, and relieve symptoms associated with some health conditions.

The secret to Amazing Sleep

Pure Sleep CBD + CBN formulas are designed to help you get to sleep quickly and stay asleep through the night. This powerful sleep-inducing blend uses a full spectrum plant cannabinoid extract dominant in CBN, known for its strong relaxing sedative effects. Each serving also contains 2mg of melatonin to support a healthy circadian rhythm.

Pure Sleep has a whole body soothing effect benefiting your sleep quality and supporting your immune functions for optimal wellness support.

Since 2015 Pure Hemp Botanicals has been helping many people like you on their wellness journey providing natural plant-based solutions for everyday wellness needs.